Second Meeting (9.12.21): Migrating Identities | לימוד בחברותא

Second Meeting (9.12.21): Migrating Identities

In the second meeting, we discussed the texts 'Cultural identity and diaspora' by Stuart Hall and 'Migration and identities in the globalized world' by Zygmunt Bauman. 

Firstly, some conceptual similarities were highlighted between the two texts: the idea that there is a continuous identity formation and that identity has multilayers; the concept of diaspora and its nuances; the fact that there are visible and invisible identities, and individual's agency in the negotiation of these identities. The concepts of "anchor" and "roots", approached by Bauman, were also discussed in parallel to the ideas of "being" and "becoming." A critique of the use of "anchor" instead of "roots" was that some aspects of identity couldn't be pulled out as an anchor. 

During the discussion, some questions were raised: Is it possible to leave an identity aspect behind? What happens to the "primary" identities in these multilayered belongings and identities?

At last, we have related the discussion to our own research questions and our personal experience, with examples such as:

* Mixed families of Arabs and Jews and the cases of uprooting from previous identity.

* The erasure of Identities in the Soviet Community.

* The influence of power relations in the negotiation of identities.