
המפגשים בסמסתר (א) יהוה התאריכים האלו בחדר 5420 במדעי החברה

5.12.2016 13:00
19-12-2016  9:00
4.1.2017 1430
18.1.2017 1430
  התאריכים בהמשך ובסמסתר ב יקבעו בהמשך
The meetings in Semester (A) will be held in room 5420 in the social science department
The first meeting will be held  on the dates:
5.12.2016 13:00
19-12-2016  9:00
4.1.2017 1430
18.1.2017 1430
Meetings in the next semester will be determined later.

מפגש ראשון

מפגש הראשון עסק בעניין של סקרים. דיברנו על למה סקרים בזמן האחרון נכשלים ( ברק-אט  בחירות ישראל אחרון, והכי עדכני בחירתו של טראמפ.

אחד מהחברים בקבוצה ניר קוסטא התחיל את המפגש בשאלה למה יש סקרים? למה משתמשים בהם? מה אפשר לחליף את הסקרים?

גם דיברנו על עליית פופילזם באירופה, השפועתיו וגם העניין האם טראמפ המועמד יהיה דומה לנשיא ?  

The first meeting discussed surveys  and political polls. We talked about why recent polls have failed (Brexit'  last elections in Israel, and the most recent election of Trump.
One of the members of the group Nir Costa began the meeting asking why there are surveys? Why we  use them? What can replaced the polls?
We also talked about the  rise of populism in Europe, whether Trump the candidate will be similar to the president. In adition we spoke about what we perceive his foreign policy to be.

The participants in the meeting were:

Chagai Weiss, Natan.Milikowsky,Neal Tsur , Nir Kosti, Lotem Bassan, Yair Amitai, Aurel Diamond' Jony Essa 

מפגש שני


The Second meeting discussed minority politics and integration. Especially a project that one of our members (jony) has been a part of for the second year that is mainly teaching students from east Jerusalem a course in Israeli politics. The members discussed issue such as identity. Chances of peace and  ways to overcome political differences

Some of the questions that were discuss is how  Arab Israeli define themselves and how different sectors of societies are defined differently and redefine themselves according to circumstances.

,  Daniel Wagner,Neal Tsur , Jony Essa 


מפגש שלישי


The third meeting of the Hivrota group was a reading and research session that focused on new insights of scholarly research in the field of civil wars and ethnic conflict. The  meeting was led by students Chagai Weiss    and Neal Tsur who discussed  a new state of the art field in conflict srudues that  focus on geographic space and civil war.

The group discussed the issue of Roving bandits, and spoke of framing of academic writing in the field of (1) theritical innovation (2) methodology and new research techniques and what we learn and aspire to learn from research. 

The group was particapated by:

Chagai Weiss, Jony Essa, Neal Tsur, Yair Amitai,  Michael Freedman ,Shani Fachter



מפגש 4


Fourth Meeting:  18.1.2017

How can we use experiments in Ir and Political scinces:  

The Fourth meeting discussed the issue of field work in political research. The meeting was conducted by one of the members and took as an example a newly published article that is called collective threat framing and mobilization in Civil war. The main focus was the discussion of the use of interviews and Surveys and  experiments to test the political relevance of certain issues. The group discussed some ethnical conundrums of using human beings to test issues of political relevance.

  Chagai Weiss, Jony Essa, Michael Freedman ,Shani Fachter, Noam Brenner



מפגש 5


Fifth Meeting: March 8.2017

Using exact sciences in the Social Scinecs:

This meeting was conducted by the member Neal Tsur who spoke about new aspects of computer modeling and the intersection  between social sciences and exact sciences. An article was discussed that uses concepts of physics to explain conflict. Neal`s research was also discussed that mainly uses complexity theory  a sub discipline of physics to explain social phenomena.

The group discussed the importance of inter-discipline research and how the field should aspire to be more scientific? And engaged in ways to achieve this goal?

     Chagai Weiss, Jony Essa, Michael Freedman ,Neal Tsur, Noam Brenner


מפגש 6


Sixth meeting: April 16 .2017


Media in the control of conflict:  The meeting was conducted by our member Cgagai Wiess who presented an article that discusses the use of aid as a conflict tool and the important of outside aid to help establish control of contested areas and reduce insurgent violence by winning the “hearts and minds” of the population. These accounts typically ignore the strategic implications of aid distribution by progovernment forces, namely that rebel groups should resist the implementation of aid projects that would undermine their position. The members discussed these implications as well as how aid can be used both in a positive and negative fashion.


  The meeting was attended by: Chagai Weiss, Jony Essa, Michael Freedman ,Shani Fachter, Noam Brenner


מפגש 7





The seventh meeting spoke about issues of regulation and political regulation in Israel. Yaer Osherov presented his research regarding regulation of occupation tests and its political implications. The members discussed  if regulation can be used as a proper political tool comparing the Israeli case with other states. Among the questions that were asked were: 1)  Is regulation always negatively connoted. 2) how do different states achieve regulation differently. 3) as well as the implications for public policy and the interaction between academia and practice.



Members: Nir costa, Yaer Osherov, Jony Essa,


Meeting # 8:


Meeting # 8:

May 10th:


Meeting with Belgin San Akca.

A Turkish scholar who specializes domestic and international factors that trigger external state support for rebel groups. We discussed an article of hers that draws from an original data set of 455 groups, their target states, and their supporter.

As well she gave feed back on our own projects and we discussed several questions:

  1. The importance of building large n data bases.
  2. The role of external support  for ending conflict.
  3. As well new theories of network analysis and agent based modeling.

The meeting was attended by:

Jony Essa, Noam Brenner, Neal Tsur,  Chagai Weiss.




מפגש 10


Meeting #10"

The final meeting of this year is a long session planned for 3.7.2017. Is is planed by Neal Tsur, Nir Costi and. And it will include a Political |Methods Bazar that puts together more advance phd students to explain their research and methods to others and it will be a full day session.945- 1400

The schedule is as followed:

Text analysis: Dr Mor Mitrani.

Matching : Omer Yair.

Age period Analysis : Liran Hansigor

Saar Alon Barkat- Mixed Methods.

And the key note speaker will be Prof Esteban Klor " Empirical Studies of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”



מפגש 9



Meeting #9:


Studying politics in muti level perspective:

Member of the group met and discussed the various ways that we can study political science and international relations. We had students from various methods and backgrounds. Public policy, political thought, conflict studies , comparative politics and party politics, as well as international law and critical political studies.

Each one of the students was asked to reflect on several question:

  1. What do you consider to be political?
  2. What is empirical research for you ?
  3. What are the different methods used?
  4.     Do you believe in the need of integrating practice and theory.

The members showed samples of potters of there works that dealt with these issues.

Members participating are:

Jony Essa, Itamar bin Ami, Yaer Osheriov, Noam Brenner, Tal Sinia.